

Climate change:

Modelling the impact of climate change is more than adding some heat!

A warming (or cooling) climate will also affect ocean currents and nutrients flowing into the model region. The changes may also occur at different rates in the upper and lower layers of the water column.

StrathE2E uses climate projections from global ocean circulation models (run on super-computers) to simulate the impacts of climate change. By choosing a different time-period you are changing multiple environmental conditions together.

In the real world we expect the species composition of each of the model functional groups to adapt in response to warming or cooling. This isn’t dealt with in the app as the timespans this will happen over and the nature of the reassortments are unpredictable. We would need to represent this in the model by changes in biological parameters (which can be achieved using the R package).


Fishing Activity:

Non lethal effects:

Lethal effects:

Seabed abrasion:


Spatial Distribution:

Baseline Model State

Scenario Experiment Results